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Kitkat Mini Ume Sake 9 Pieces Gift Box


You can enjoy the subtly sweet and deep flavor of fully ripened plums.

The elegant taste of sake, wrapped in the gentle sweetness of white chocolate.

Enjoy the rich, satisfying flavor of sake.


Chocolate-coated (sugar, lactose, vegetable oil, whole milk powder, cocoa butter), wheat flour, vegetable oil, lactose, powdered alcohol (plum liqueur, dextrin), sugar, yeast, cocoa powder, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter/emulsifier, flavor, acidulant, baking soda, caramel color, yeast food


Wheat, Milk, Soy Bean

Alcohol 0.2%

Manufacturing Address: Kasumigaura Factory
1751 Mukaiyama, Jingūji, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-0622, Japan

Please store in a cool place below 28°C, avoiding high humidity.

Product form

You can enjoy the subtly sweet and deep flavor of fully ripened plums. The elegant taste of sake, wrapped in the gentle sweetness of white chocolate. Enjoy the rich, satisfying flavor of sake.

取り置き 付近の店舗

バーコード: 4902201172875



  • Shipped today? Order within: Jun 28, 2024 15:00:00 -0600

You can enjoy the subtly sweet and deep flavor of fully ripened plums. The elegant taste of sake, wrapped in the gentle sweetness of white chocolate. Enjoy the rich, satisfying flavor of sake.


You can enjoy the subtly sweet and deep flavor of fully ripened plums.

The elegant taste of sake, wrapped in the gentle sweetness of white chocolate.

Enjoy the rich, satisfying flavor of sake.


Chocolate-coated (sugar, lactose, vegetable oil, whole milk powder, cocoa butter), wheat flour, vegetable oil, lactose, powdered alcohol (plum liqueur, dextrin), sugar, yeast, cocoa powder, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter/emulsifier, flavor, acidulant, baking soda, caramel color, yeast food


Wheat, Milk, Soy Bean

Alcohol 0.2%

Manufacturing Address: Kasumigaura Factory
1751 Mukaiyama, Jingūji, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-0622, Japan

Please store in a cool place below 28°C, avoiding high humidity.


Made in Japan

1 Package = 24 Box
1 Box = 9 Pieces

Box Size

13.5 x 13 x 7 in

HTS Code


FDA Code


ITF Code



Nestle Japan Ltd.

Other Additional:



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