SUNTORY 三得利 天然矿泉水 2L 瓶装
经过20多年的漫长岁月磨砺而成的天然矿泉水。 抽出的原水一次也不暴露在外界空气中,在干净的环境中自然装瓶。
Nissin Nissin Seifun Flower All Purpose Wheat Flour 2.2lbs(1KG)
Japanese Nissin Flower All Purpose Wheat Flour
$5.99 - $9.99
Marukome Marukome Instant Miso Soup Reduced Sodium Restaurant-Style Ryotei Taste Generous Value
By blending aged rice miso and soybean miso, we have created a rich and flavorful low-sodium miso soup. The ingredients include wakame (seaweed), long green onions, tofu, and fried tofu, allowing you to enjoy their distinct flavors. Compared to the regular Assortment, this version reduces sodium by 25% per serving, offering a healthier option.
$3.99 - $7.39
Marukome Marukome Instant Miso Soup Restaurant-Style Ryotei Taste Generous Value
The miso paste, a blend of red rice miso and soybean miso, is seasoned with bonito broth and dried fish broth to create a rich and flavorful finish. The ingredients include wakame (seaweed), fried tofu, long green onions, and tofu, each adding its own unique taste to enjoy.
$3.99 - $9.99
Nissin Nissin Welna Smooth Custard Pudding 4 Cups
Make it in a pot and chill—it's that easy! Enjoy the smooth, melt-in-your-mouth texture of custard pudding right at home. The rich, slightly bitter caramel sauce enhances the delicious flavor.
Nissin Nissin Welna Soft Almond Tofu Jelly Powder 4 Cups only water milk need
Make it in a pot and chill—it's that easy! Enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth, gentle flavor of almond tofu right at home with minimal effort.
Nissin Nissin Welna Hone Sweet Sponge Cake Flour 200g
This sponge cake mix is made with domestically milled wheat flour from Japan. It produces a sponge cake with a carefully crafted, moist texture. Just mix with cold milk and eggs, then bake to create a soft, fluffy sponge cake that melts in your mouth. The mix is designed for a single-use, making an 18cm sponge cake.
Nissin Nissin Welna Kyoto Itohyuemon Uji Matcha Pudding Powder
This is a Uji matcha pudding made with Uji matcha from the renowned Kyoto shop "Itohkyuemon." With a smooth, melt-in-your-mouth texture, this carefully crafted pudding allows you to easily enjoy the authentic aroma and flavor of matcha at home.
Itoen Itoen OiOcha Japanese Green Tea 20 Sticks
This tea bag contains a blend of vibrant green matcha, creating a fragrant and rich-tasting green tea. The tea leaves used are carefully selected and blended specifically for tea bags, ensuring freshness and quality. Additionally, the packaging materials are environmentally friendly.
Ricefriend Ricefriend Japanese Milled Rice 11lb(5kg)
$12.99 - $49.99
Marukome Marukome Instant Miso Soup Rich Akadashi Restaurant-Style Ryotei Taste 12 Servings Generous Value
This is an assorted product containing 12 servings. The flavorful soybean miso is seasoned with both bonito and kelp broth, creating a rich and aromatic finish. The ingredients include wakame (seaweed), fried tofu, long green onions, and tofu, with each ingredient included in three servings, allowing you to enjoy their distinct flavors.
ONOSEIMEN 小野製麺 手打半田小麦面 300g
传统的手工制作的日本半田面使用了精心混合的小麦粉、鸣门产的盐以及吉野川地区的地下水,通过反复熟化和手工拉面制作出了这款美味的手工面条。 半田面有着三百多年的历史,特别之处在于它的面条较粗,口感Q弹有嚼劲,一口咬下可以尝到小麦的香味,是一款喉口感极佳的手工拉面。原料为小麦粉、食用盐和食用植物油。
Marutsune マルツネ 播州细荞麦面 600g
播州地区是日本干面生产的最大产区,播州的糸系列利用播州地区温和的气候和土壤培育出的优质小麦和赤穂的天然盐,以及美丽清新的揖保川地下水,采用了Marutsune独创的工艺实现了干面最原始的口感。 面条口感好,清爽怡人,回味无穷。 煮面时间约6分钟,面条的粗细度调整得很好,入口口感更佳。
Marutsune マルツネ 播州小麦 乌冬面
用小麦粉和赤穂盐,用揖保川的伏流水仔细揉制而成。 没有添加任何添加剂。 放心地与家人一起放心享用。
$2.98 - $7.16
Marutsune マルツネ 播州小麦细面
通过 Marutsune 的独特制面工艺,实现了细面本来的小麦口感。
$2.98 - $7.16
Nissin 日清 奥利友 膳食营养米油 900g
采用独特的制法,从米中提取出香浓美味的味道,使得原料的鲜美更加突出。 这款食品富含抗氧化成分和天然维生素E,是一种营养功能性食品。
Nissin 日清 奥利友 食用色拉油 400g
日清独有的“抗氧化技术”能够抑制油脂氧化,相比我们的老产品,抗氧化能力提高30%。 日清纯植物油以优质油脂为原料,选用成熟的高品质花生,采用专利技术清透技术”(特许号3598281)降低油腻感,制成口感轻爽的植物油。