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共 10 件商品

  • KAO Biore UV Kids Pure Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ Moisturizing Water Resistance No Alcohol No Parabens KAO Biore UV Kids Pure Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ Moisturizing Water Resistance No Alcohol No Parabens

    KAO KAO Biore UV Kids Pure Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ Moisturizing Water Resistance No Alcohol No Parabens

    Designed to protect your child's delicate skin. This Kids UV formula with SPF 50+ contains no UV absorbers and provides a mineral barrier to shield the skin from powerful UV rays. It’s resistant to sweat, water, and friction, making it perfect for everyday outdoor play. The formula is free from alcohol, parabens, fragrance, and artificial colors, and includes moisturizing ingredients like shea butter and BG (butylene glycol). Suitable for use on both face and body, and gentle enough for babies' skin.


  • KOSE Softymo SPEEDY Cleansing Liquid 240ml

    KOSE KOSE Softymo SPEEDY Cleansing Liquid 240ml

    This quick-acting liquid formula is infused with five types of organic certified botanical extracts (moisturizing) and three types of botanical seed extracts (moisturizing). It’s designed for fast removal, leaving your skin bare in seconds. Suitable for use with wet hands and safe for eyelash extensions, there's no need for a separate face wash. It quickly leaves your skin clean and clear, helping to address dullness while being gentle on lash extensions.


  • Shiseido ANESSA Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk SPF50+ PA++++ 60ml Shiseido ANESSA Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk SPF50+ PA++++ 60ml

    Shiseido Shiseido ANESSA Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk SPF50+ PA++++ 60ml

    Double UV-blocking technology. Provides flawless protection for areas prone to dark spots, like around the eyes and cheeks. This ultra-light, powerful UV milk offers the highest level of protection* with a silky smooth finish. Equipped with Auto Repair Technology, it automatically repairs any gaps or unevenness in sunscreen coverage caused by movement. It’s rub-resistant and can be easily washed off with soap. Suitable for both face and body, and can also be used as a makeup base. Provides SPF 50+ and PA++++ protection, with water resistance and long-lasting moisturizing effects.


  • 低库存 SANRIO Hello Kitty Moisturizing Lip SANRIO Hello Kitty Moisturizing Lip

    Sanrio SANRIO Hello Kitty Moisturizing Lip

    库存数量 10

    库存数量 10


  • 花王 珂润 强效保湿精华 UV SPF30+ 50g

    KAO 花王 珂润 强效保湿精华 UV SPF30+ 50g

    防护肌肤免受紫外线和干燥的伤害,添加了抗炎成分以预防皮肤刺激。 提供角鲨烷滋养,补充皮肤所需的水分。 保湿效果可持续整天。


  • 低库存 IPSA 茵芙莎 流金水 生肌水源素 200ml IPSA 茵芙莎 流金水 生肌水源素 200ml

    IPSA IPSA 茵芙莎 流金水 生肌水源素 200ml

    库存数量 6

    IPSA 独特的保湿成分 保湿水分渗透分子III(Aqua Presenter III)在肌肤表面形成锁住滋润成分的人工水层,根据肌肤的干燥情况,为肌肤倾注水分,同时不让水分流失,令肌肤保持充满水的状态。

    库存数量 6


  • SmartAngel 婴儿保湿马油面霜 27g SmartAngel 婴儿保湿马油面霜 27g

    NISHIMATSUYA SmartAngel 婴儿保湿马油面霜 27g

    马油是一种保湿成分,与人体皮脂相似,熟悉皮肤并渗透到皮肤(角质层)中。 沐浴后,将它薄薄地涂抹在含有水分的皮肤上,滋润娇嫩的皮肤。 含有超过 95% 的马油作为保湿成分,并且:100% 天然成分,无香料、无色素、无对羟基苯甲酸酯,适合0岁以上


  • Sale -31% 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 蜂王浆 去细纹 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 蜂王浆 去细纹

    Utena 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 蜂王浆 去细纹



  • Sale -31% 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 胶原蛋白 紧致皮肤 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 胶原蛋白 紧致皮肤

    Utena 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 胶原蛋白 紧致皮肤

    高濃度精華果凍面膜,柔化熟齡肌,注入滋潤。雙重膠原蛋白配方 (保濕成分),極緻保濕,使肌膚飽滿緊緻~滿滿的33g美容果凍精華,柔化粗糙肌膚,注入膠原蛋白的極緻滋潤。天然草本微香 (使用精油)。


  • Sale -31% 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 玻尿酸 补水 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 玻尿酸 补水

    Utena 佑天兰黄金果冻面膜 玻尿酸 补水

    高濃度精華果凍面膜,柔化熟齡肌,注入滋潤。雙重玻尿酸配方 (保濕成分),極緻滋潤保濕~滿滿的33g美容果凍精華,柔化粗糙肌膚,注入玻尿酸的極緻滋潤。天然草本微香 (使用精油)。



