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Sanrio My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie


Sanrio My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie

A sweet and adorable Sanrio My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie that will instantly add a touch of charm to your hairstyle. Inspired by the classic elements of My Melody, this hair tie allows you to shine with cuteness in every moment.


  1. My Melody Bow Design: The unique My Melody bow decoration adds a cute and romantic touch to your hairstyle.

  2. Soft and Sturdy Hair Tie: Made with a soft and sturdy hair tie, ensuring comfortable wear while securely holding your hair in place.

  3. Ideal Choice for Everyday Hair Accessories: This My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie is suitable for various occasions and is an ideal choice for your everyday hair accessories.

Let the enchanting charm of My Melody brighten up your day with this delightful Ribbon Hair Tie!

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条码: 4550337488720

库存数量 5


  • 今日发货? 下单时间: Jun 28, 2024 15:00:00 -0600


Sanrio My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie

A sweet and adorable Sanrio My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie that will instantly add a touch of charm to your hairstyle. Inspired by the classic elements of My Melody, this hair tie allows you to shine with cuteness in every moment.


  1. My Melody Bow Design: The unique My Melody bow decoration adds a cute and romantic touch to your hairstyle.

  2. Soft and Sturdy Hair Tie: Made with a soft and sturdy hair tie, ensuring comfortable wear while securely holding your hair in place.

  3. Ideal Choice for Everyday Hair Accessories: This My Melody Ribbon Hair Tie is suitable for various occasions and is an ideal choice for your everyday hair accessories.

Let the enchanting charm of My Melody brighten up your day with this delightful Ribbon Hair Tie!


Made in

Product Size: 3.15 x 2.8 x 0.4 in (8 x 7 x 1 cm)

Box Size

HTS Code

FDA Code

ITF Code


Sanrio Company, Ltd.
1-11-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8603

Other Additional: Japan



