Koikeya presents these potato chips with the utmost pride. We have applied the Pride Potato Manufacturing Method to craft a Japanese delicacy. Please enjoy our crisp, savory and delicious potato chips.
Kumamoto Akaushi Beef Sauce Wasabi
Kumamoto Akaushi, a rare variety of Japanese Brown cattle comprising less than 0.7% of all beef cattle raised nationwide, offers a rich umami experience with its lean and flavorful meat. Enhanced with a touch of wasabi soy sauce, this dish accentuates the natural savoriness of the beef.
Potatoes (Japanese non-genetically modified), vegetable oil, flavor oil, glucose, protein hydrolysate, sugar, salt, powdered oils and fats, powdered soy sauce, yeast extract powder, black pepper, beef powder, flavor oil, wasabi stem powder, seasoning (amino acids), flavoring, safflower yellow pigment, gardenia blue pigment
Wheat, Beef, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz
Kobe Beef
The refined sweetness of marbled Kobe beef, combined with soy sauce, creates a sukiyaki-like flavor.
Potatoes (Japan non-genetically modified), vegetable oil, sugar, flavor oil, protein hydrolysate, salt, powdered soy sauce, powdered oil and fat, powdered egg yolk, onion, yeast extract powder, beef powder, powdered sake, oligosaccharides, dried bonito flakes, green onions, seasonings (amino acids), coloring (cocoa), flavoring, sweeteners (sucralose, stevia)
Allergens: Dairy, Egg, Wheat, Beef, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz
Kumamoto Red Cow Flavor
Potatoes (Japanese non-genetically modified), vegetable oil, flavor oil, glucose, protein hydrolysate, sugar, salt, powdered oils and fats, powdered soy sauce, yeast extract powder, black pepper, beef powder, flavor oil, wasabi stem powder, seasoning (amino acids, etc.), flavoring, safflower yellow pigment, gardenia blue pigment
Allergens: Wheat, Beef, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz
Jomon-style Scallop Broth
Potatoes (Japanese non-genetically modified), vegetable oil, flavor oil, glucose, dextrin, protein hydrolysate, salt, fish sauce powder, starch, scallops, white pepper, shiitake mushrooms, kelp, seasonings (amino acids, etc.), flavorings
Allergens: Wheat, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz
Kyoto Yuzu Shichimi
Potatoes (Japanese non-genetically modified), vegetable oil, flavor oil, sugar, salt, powdered soy sauce, powdered vinegar, spices, lactose, starch, powdered egg yolk, seafood extract powder, green laver, shichimi pepper, oligosaccharides, dried bonito, seasoning (amino acids), flavoring
Allergens: Egg, Dairy, Wheat, Sesame, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz
Olives Aroma
A concept rooted in Japanese craftsmanship, these potato chips feature the fresh aroma of olives, complemented by the crisp flavors of seaweed salt and lemon.
Potatoes (Japan non-genetically modified), palm oil, rice oil, flavor oil, glucose, dextrin, salt, lemon juice powder, black pepper, olive oil, seasoning (amino acids), flavoring, acidulant, spice extract
Allergens: Wheat, Soybean
Net: 53g - 1.87oz